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Voxgroove Records
If you find the little groove in your mind,
Listen to the voice of it,



This label was born on 1993 in Kawasaki  Kanagawa prf. Japan.
It was  called  Popofu Creation .After moving to Yokohama ,
it moved to Nara prf. having the recording studio,
it changed the name to lazywood studio.
By the release of the albums on 2007 it was established
as the record label named Voxgroove Records.

レーベル名をVoxgroove Label(ヴォクスグルーヴ レーベル)として新たに誕生致しました。
現在はアーティストがふえてVoxgroove Recordsに進化しています。

This label started  to creat the short films with tha original sounds.
Mainly it creats the sound and films to TV・Radio programs, dance performance,
alive spots, the conventions  and the memories of the persons etc.

We think that the call & response is very important. It isn't restricted by category,
but also release it and  keeps doing human music with upper quality.

Voxgroove artists, please support!!.

*We'd like to pass you some good feeling, relaxed, dancable
invite you to a journey around the fantastic world
give the stories on your mind through our sounds  and views.

The tiny groove is the souce of life.

*Contact Us
Sakurai-city Nara pre JAPAN

© 2020 by Voxgroove Records INC.Japan.

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