Yuko Kashi
樫 ゆうこ
Loops lyr. YUKO KASHI
In the deep forest the ace will wake at last
深い森で遂に エースが目覚める
He'll come silently and tame enemies quickly
音も無く来て 敵をすぐ 手なずける
All soldiers are facing forward
Adam17 メタロプロティナーゼ
From the far forest the ace will fly here soon
遠い森から遂に エースは飛んで来る
Hold the room and line with brave till his reach
守れ 勇気を盾に 彼が到着するまで
All soldiers are facing forward
All soldiers are facing forward
Just a moment TMPRSS2
ちょっと待ってよ 膜貫通プロテアーゼ
He'll come silently and tame enenies quickly
音も無く来て 敵をすぐ 手なずける
Alright, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 3?
Bouncing Road lyr. YUKO KASHI
Laughings running through like a wave
波のように寄せる 笑い声
Foot steps jumping like the pebbles
小石のように跳ねる 足音で
If you're behind me 後ろに居ても
Or far from me 遠く離れていても
My voice couldn't reach for 声が届かなくても
But I know it that you got it わかってる
Where does the goal stand? ゴールはどこに?
Imagination goes there 想いはそこへ
How could we get it in? どうしたらとれる?
Cooperation goes 協力すれば
We never give up for so much
Just wanna make the time
Chang a fix to the chance
So, I can help you for my own
If I'm behind you 後ろに居ても
Or far from you 遠く離れていても
Your voice couldn't reach for 声が届かなくても
So, you know it that I got it わかるでしょ
What is waiting there? 何が待つの?
No one know what happens 誰も知らない
How can do it? どうしたら出来る?
Shall we take a look? ちょっと見に行く?
Laughings running through like a wave
波のように寄せる 笑い声
Foot steps jumping like the pebbles
小石のように跳ねる 足音で
Cheer up ガンバレ cheer up ガンバレ
Barnyards lyr. YUKO KASHI
Spring festival 春の祭り
Fire festival 火の祭り
The day has been waited for so long time
待ち焦がれてた その日
Burn yards 野を燃やせ
Burn the bamboo 竹を燃やせ
Wake up to the power of the rising
目覚めよ 湧く力に
Bright to our face in the night
輝けよ 面映ゆ夜に
Ash will turn to the blooming
Smoke will drive the virus away
Drooping HANABI 枝垂花火
Sway KIMONO 舞う着物
The celebrations are for the Deities
Burn hills 丘を燃やせ
Burn the sky 天を焦がせ
Tie up to the reincarnations
結べよ 輪廻転生
Stand through cold with the love
寒くない 愛があれば
Far Away lyr. YUKO KASHI
The baby would cry 赤ちゃんって泣くものね
The tears tell his heart 涙が伝える彼の気持ち
Mother would cry お母さんも泣くものね
The word is lost 言葉が見つからなくて
And Papa パパは
Plays the role of king 王様のように
Keeps fighting 戦さ
With the patient 我慢強く
It will do もしもね
Lockdown town 閉じたら
Silent time 静けさ
Dead or alive 死ぬか生きるか
Dilusion, illusion, throw away
Escape and holding your castle
The baby would know 赤ちゃんって知ってるの
The smile tells our joy 笑顔が伝えるみんなの喜び
Father would cry お父さんも泣くものね
The kind with love 優しくされたりしたら
And Mama ママは
Plays the hierophant 教皇のように
House keeping 用事
Without proudness 当たり前に
It will do もしもね
Lockdown ends 明けたら
Dizzy time 忙しい
Far away 遠く離れて
It will do もしもね
Lockdown town 閉じたら
Dreaming time 夢見る
Do or not するかしないか
It will do もしもね
Lockdown ends 明けたら
Rushing time 溢れる
Love and peace 愛と平和が
Hi-Life lyr. YUKO KASHI
How many the hard disks Sinobi turns per a second?
何枚のハードディスク 忍びは回してる?
Sometimes I work on the uniform
ある時は 制服姿
Another time I dance on the piano
ある時は ピアノで踊る
Hi Life ハイソな暮らし
I wanna do やってみたいの
But it's short でも足りないの
Capacity over 容量オーバー
It's written to the scroll 巻物に書かれてる
Excise, every day 毎日 鍛錬
How can I do it? Sinobi casts double spells
どうやったら 忍びの分身の術
One day I'm the stern teacher
ある時は 厳しい先生
Another day I drive to the day break
ある時は 夜明けのドライバー
It's made in the wall 壁の中に造られた
Just master small slit 隙間を 使おう
Hi Life ハイソな暮らし
What can I do? 何が出来るの?
So, coming smoke そして煙に
Skill behind the leaves 葉隠れの術
On the Tree of Memphis lyr. YUI MINATO
Wind blows and 風が吹き
Trees shake 木が揺れる
Morning comes again
In her garden 再び来る
♦Nothing changes? 何も変わらない?
Let's think about it
Let's think about it
The future will gradually be lost
Let's think about it
Let's think about it♢
On the tree of Memphis
Do you hear it? 聞こえますか
A song of freedom 自由の歌
On the tree of Memphis
Do you see it? 見えますか
Your home town 故郷が
Rains fall and 雨が降り
Wet town 街を濡らす
Night comes again 夜は再び
To her garden 彼女の庭に来る
♦♢×2 times
On the tree of Memphis
On the tree of Memphis
Nothing changes? 何も変わらない?
Let's think about it
Let's think about it
Blue Rag lyr.YUKO KASHI
When I fall in sleep I start to fly
眠ってると 飛び始める
It's the evidence I was the comet
証拠だわ 彗星だった
Rolling on the dark space
暗黒の空間 さすらい
Sailing in the mute ocean
沈黙の海原 渡り
Come along, adjust orbit
(Adjust, orbit)
That's the seacret rendezvous
Uh, the seacret rendezvous
Every night the ball 今夜もパーティー
With blue rag 物憂いラグで
Pageantry of soul 色々 有り
Factorization 因数分解
The thander will call 雷 鳴る
With lighting digi 稲光
The big bang still grows ビッグバン 育てる
Making reborn 生まれ変わり
When I see in dream I come to hot
夢見ると 熱くなるの
It's my real I'm the plume 本当はマントルなの
Floating on the passion 情熱に身体を預けて
Veporizing tears 涙さえ乾いてゆく
Talking love with me teorite 隕石と愛を語らい
(mm, teorite)
Greeting to the NOVA
Uh, greeting to the NOVA
Three Steps lyr. YUKO KASHI
Spring has aroma
Respect, it's the only one we need
A bow, cursty, come to the salue
Express, there're many ways we have
Without the touch, hugs and the kisses
But the lovers need the three steps
Spring starts to rain
Le ciel blue d’attente
El esperando cielo azul
Respeto es el unico necesitamos
Un arco o reverencia, vienen a la salue
Express hay muchas maneras
Sin el toque, abrazos y los besos
La pioggia li purifica
Under the sky lyr. YUKO KASHI
Bathing water 水浴びして
Let deer brighter 鹿は輝く
Straining its ears 耳を立てて
Take the break time 休息
The great distance 遥かな道
Was traveled on 旅してた
The deep forest 深い森が
Embraced us 包み込んだ
Passing season 季節は過ぎ
Lost tale 失くす
Breezing flesh green そよぐ若葉
Laughs so loud 笑う
Under the sky 空の下
We'll find some luck 何かあるさ
Unknown the world 未知の世界
It'll be a pleasant trip 楽しい旅に違いない
Shaking the land 大地が揺れ
Let fire flow 火の河になる
Burning treasures 焼け落ちても
Leave the memories 想う
The solar way 太陽の道
Was traced 辿って来た
The long roads 長い道が
Followed us 続いて来た
Growing black rock 黒い岩が
Stays cool 冷える
Hearing bird's song 鳥の声が
Calls so high 騒ぐ
Under the sky 空の下
We'll step the one 歩き出すよ
To tomorrow 明日へと
No one can be alone 誰も一人じゃいられない